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How to delete all previous messages in grammY Telegram Bot
- Authors
- Name
- Ashik Nesin
- @AshikNesin
grammY is a framework to create a Telegram bot pretty easily in Node.js or Deno environments.
It provides lots of features out of the box, using which you can build a Telegram bot almost instantly.
Today, let's see how to delete all the previous messages 🤐
import { Bot } from "grammy";
const bot = new Bot("YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE");
bot.command('deleteAll', async (ctx) => {
let res = await ctx.reply('deleting');
for(let i = res.message_id; i >= 0; i--) {
console.log(`chat_id: ${ctx.chat.id}, message_id: ${i}`);
try {
let res = await ctx.api.deleteMessage(ctx.chat.id, i);
} catch (e) {
Happy deleting messages!